UNSCEAR White Papers

White Papers guide the Scientific Committee's future programme of work.

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Chernobyl 2017 White Paper

Evaluation of data on thyroid cancer in regions affected by the Chernobyl accident

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This whitepaper evaluates thyroid cancer data in regions affected by the Chernobyl accident to guide the Scientific Committee's future programme of work.

The publication recapitulates previous findings of the Scientific Committee on this matter, reports the latest data provided by the three most affected countries (Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine), summarizes key literature of the past years, and makes an assessment of the cases of thyroid cancer that could be attributed to radiation exposure.

Press release

Fukushima 2017 White Paper

Developments since the 2013 UNSCEAR Report on the levels and effects of radiation exposure due to the nuclear accident following the great east-Japan earthquake and tsunami

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The third UNSCEAR White Paper on this subject continues the ongoing effort to systematically monitor and evaluate relevant, new scientific information that has emerged since the launch of the Committee's 2013 Report on the Fukushima Daiichi accident. Including the 2015 White Paper and the 2016 White Paper, more than 300 publications have been reviewed, from October 2012 onwards. The 2017 White Paper presents a sound analysis of the recent information, to identify whether it materially affected conclusions of the 2013 Report or if it addressed research needs that had been identified. The thematic areas covered: releases and dispersion for the atmosphere and marine environment; transfer of radionuclides in terrestrial and freshwater environments; evaluations of doses for the public and workers; health implications for the workers and the public; and doses and effects for non-human biota. The 2017 White Paper also summarizes major research projects/programmes which are currently ongoing in the Japanese research community. This is also elaborated in the electronic attachment.

東日本大震災後の原子力事故による放射線被ばくのレベルと影響に関するUNSCEAR 2013年報告書刊行後の進展

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福島原発事故に関するUNSCEARの白書の第3報では、本委員会の2013年報告書の発表以降も公表され続けている関連の新規科学的情報について、体系的に把握及び評価する現在の取り組みを継続しています。 2015年白書及び 2016年白書を含めて、2012年10月以降、300編以上の文献がレビューされています。2017年白書では、最新の情報について、2013年報告書の結論に実質的な影響を与えるか、又は2013年報告書で特定された研究ニーズに 対応するかを確認するための公正な分析が記述されています。主題領域には、大気中及び水域への放出と拡散、陸域及び淡水域環境における放射性核種の移行、公衆と作業者の線量評価、作業者と公衆の健康影響、ヒト以外の生物相における線量と影響が含まれています。また、2017年白書では、日本の研究者が現在進行している主な研究プロジェクト/プログラムもまとめられています。さらなる概要が電子ファイルでも補足されています。

Fukushima 2016 White Paper

Developments since the 2013 UNSCEAR Report on the levels and effects of radiation exposure due to the nuclear accident following the great east-Japan earthquake and tsunami

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The second UNSCEAR White Paper on this subject continues the ongoing effort to systematically monitor and evaluate relevant, new scientific information that has emerged since the launch of the Committee's 2013 Report on the Fukushima Daiichi accident. Including the 2015 White Paper, more than 200 publications have been reviewed, from October 2012 onwards. The White Paper 2016 presents a sound analysis of the recent information, to identify whether it materially affected conclusions of the 2013 Report or if it addressed research needs that had been identified. The thematic areas covered: releases and dispersion for the atmosphere and marine environment; evaluations of doses for the public and workers; health implications for the workers and the public; and doses and effects for non-human biota. A new theme: Transfer of radionuclides in terrestrial and freshwater environments has been added.

東日本大震災後の原子力事故による放射線被ばくのレベルと影響に関するUNSCEAR 2013年報告書刊行後の進展

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福島原発事故に関するUNSCEARの白書の第2報では、本委員会の2013年報告書の発表以降も公表され続けている関連の新規科学的情報について、体系的に把握及び評価する現在の取り組みを継続しています  2015年白書 を含めて、2012年10月以降、200編以上の文献がレビューされています。2016年白書では、最新の情報について、2013年報告書の結論に実質的な影響を与えるか、又は2013年報告書で特定された研究ニーズに対応するかを確認するための公正な分析が記述されています。主題領域には、大気中及び水域への放出と拡散、公衆と作業者の線量評価、作業者と公衆の健康影響、ヒト以外の生物相における線量と影響が含まれています。新たな主題として、陸域及び淡水域環境における放射性核種の移行が追加されました。

Fukushima 2015 White Paper

Developments since the 2013 UNSCEAR Report on the levels and effects of radiation exposure due to the nuclear accident following the great east-Japan earthquake and tsunami

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This White Paper is part of the Committee's ongoing effort to systematically monitor and evaluate new information that has emerged since the launch of its 2013 Report on the Fukushima-Daiichi accident. It presents a sound analysis of relevant, new scientific information from October 2012 to December 2014, to identify whether it materially affected conclusions of that report or if it addressed research needs that had been identified. About 80 publications were reviewed by an expert group and the 2013 Report's conclusions were borne out. The thematic areas covered were: releases and dispersion for the atmosphere and marine environment; evaluations of doses for the public and workers; health implications for the workers and the public; and doses and effects for non-human biota.

東日本大震災後の原子力事故による放射線被ばくのレベルと影響に関するUNSCEAR 2013年報告書刊行後の進展

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UNSCEAR 2012 White Paper

Biological Mechanisms of Radiation Actions at Low Doses

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  This white paper consists of a short review on the biological mechanisms of radiation actions at low doses. It is intended to highlight major advances in the field that would provide guidance for developing the Committee’s future programme of work.