Biographies of Representatives and Alternates

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Abel Julio González

Mr. Abel Julio González is Academician at the Argentine Academies of Environmental Sciences and of the Sea, Senior Adviser of the Argentine Nuclear Regulatory Authority, member of the Commission of Safety Standards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and member of the Argentine delegation to IAEA's General Conference and Board of Governors.

After his graduation at the University of Buenos Aires, Mr. González worked for many years for the regulatory branch of the Argentine Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) and became CNEA Director.In the 1980s, he moved to the IAEA as Director of the Division of Radiation Transport and Waste Safety, where he led many environmental radiological evaluations, such as those in the Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands, the Mururoa and Fangataufa Atolls in the French Polynesia and the Semipalatinsk area in Kazakhstan, as well as in many radiation accidents appraisals including the international assessment of the Chernobyl accident.

Already in 1976, Mr. González became member of ICRP Committee 4, in 2000 he was appointed to the ICRP Main Commission, which he was vice-chairing from 2009 to 2013. Mr. González has also been the Vice-President of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) and the President of IRPA's 12th International Congress in 2008.

He has been honoured with several international awards including the Morgan Award twice in 2000 and 2003, the Sievert Prize in 2004, the Lauriston S. Taylor Lecturer Award in 2005 and the Marie Curie Prize in 2008.

Mr. González participated in UNSCEAR since 1968, first as delegate from Argentina and then representing the IAEA between 1985 and 2005. He has been representative of Argentina since the fifty-fourth session in 2006.

Alternate Representatives

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Marina Di Giorgio

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Marcela G. Ermacora

Marcela Ermacora is a Senior Adviser at the Argentine Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN).

Ms. Ermacora has a degree in Chemical Sciences, with postgraduate studies in Radiological Protection, Nuclear Safety and Project Management. Since 2000, she has worked at ARN, on issues related to safeguards, nuclear non-proliferation, licensing and control of radioactive facilities and project management in radiation protection and nuclear safety areas. She was president of the ARN's Advisory Council on Radioisotope and Ionizing Radiation Applications and alternate member of the IAEA's Radiation Safety Standards Committee (RASSC). She also participated as lecturer in the postgraduate educational course in radiation protection and the safety of radiation sources, sponsored by the IAEA and the Nuclear Regulatory Authority, and at other courses related to radiation safety.

Among other functions, she is currently Vice-President of the Ibero-American Forum of Radiological and Nuclear Regulatory Agencies (FORO) Executive Technical Committee, National Coordinator for IAEA’s Radiation Safety Information Management System (RASIMS), and has been involved in the development of FORO projects and other international cooperation projects both as a participant and in lead roles. She is also a member of the Argentine Radiation Protection Society.

Ms. Ermacora joined the Argentine delegation to UNSCEAR at the 62nd session in 2015, and has since been an alternate representative. She is also Argentine’s National Contact Person for the UNSCEAR Global Survey of Radiation Exposure and contributed as a member of the Expert Group to the evaluation of medical exposure to ionizing radiation.

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Andrés Eugenio Rossini

Mr. Andres Rossini is Associate Professor of Cell Biophysics, Biostatistics and Health Physics at the University of Buenos Aires. He graduated in Biological Sciences and post graduated in Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is currently completing his PhD studies at the Faculty of Medicine.  

Mr. Rossini also worked as Associate Professor of Biophysics and Biological Chemistry at the Faculty of Medicine of the Interamerican Open University and as Associate Professor of Human Physiology and Biophysics at the School of Medicine of the University of Morón.

Mr. Rossini is Assistant manager at the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Argentina for the Biodosimetry, Radiopathology and Internal Dosimetry sectors, Further he is teaches Radiobiology in the Postgraduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and the Safety of Radiation Sources sponsored by IAEA and the Nuclear Regulatory Authority for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. He is a member of the executive board of the Argentine Society of Radiation Protection.

Mr. Rossini participated in several international task groups representing the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Argentina, and he is a contributing writer of the UNSCEAR expert group on Second Primary Cancer after Radiotherapy.