Biographies of Representatives and Alternates

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Lidia Vasconcellos de Sá (Vice-Chair of the Committee)

Dr. Lidia Vasconcellos De Sá is the head of the Medical Physics Division of the Institute of Radioprotection and Dosimetry (IRD) at the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN).

Dr. Vasconcellos De Sá holds a PhD degree (2010) in Nuclear Engineering and a Master of Sciences degree (1987) in Engineering from São Paulo University. She has experience in nuclear engineering, licensing and control of radioactive facilities, radioisotope applications in medicine mainly, nuclear medicine.

Dr. Vasconcellos De Sá is a member of CNEN Standards Advisory Committee and coordinator of the Committee 04 (Nuclear Medicine, radiotherapy and radiation of Brazilian Technical Standards Association. Also she is professor and adviser in post-graduation courses as doctorate, master and specialization IRD/IAEA. She participated at missions for the International Atomic Energy Agency as expert in occupational exposures, nuclear medicine and safety and security of radiation sources. She is the Brazilian representative in IEC TC/SC 62C work standardization group "Equipment for radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and radiation dosimetry".

Dr. Vasconcellos De Sá has ben the representative of Brazil since the sixty-fourth session in 2017.

Alternate Representative

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Denison De Souza Santos

Dr. Denison de Souza Santos is working for the Brazilian National Commission for Nuclear Energy (CNEN) for the last 25 years. He is former head of the Dosimetry Division of the Institute for Radiation Protection and Dosimetry (IRD/CNEN) and member of IRD graduate education program. He supervises students in Master of Sciences and Doctorate programs in the fields of Monte Carlo simulations, radiation protection and radiation dosimetry.

Dr. de Souza Santos graduated in Physics (1987), followed by a Master of Sciences in Physics (1991) and Doctorate in Physics (1997) all from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His thesis was dealing with the subject of position sensitive detectors for high energy physics experiments.

Dr. de Souza Santos acted as an expert for the International Atomic Energy Agency and for UNSCEAR since 2011. He is member of ICRP Committee 2 on Doses from Radiation Exposures.

Dr. de Souza Santos has been Alternate representative of Brazil to UNSCEAR since the sixty-fourth session in 2017.

Alternate Representative

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Renata Ramos Silveira