Biographies of Representatives and Alternates

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Russian Federation


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Alexander Akleyev

Professor Alexander Akleyev has been the director of the Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine (URCRM) since 1990. Dr. Akleyev graduated from the Chelyabinsk State Medical University in 1981. He did a course in Radiation Medicine at the Institute of Biophysics in 1984 (Moscow) and the Radiation Effects Research Foundation in 1992 (Hiroshima). His field of scientific interests includes radiobiology, radiation medicine and radiation safety. The major lines of his research encompass low dose/low dose-rate medical-biological effects, biological markers of chronic radiation exposure, susceptibility to radiation effects.

In 1988 professor Akleyev completed his dissertation for the Candidate Degree in Medicine “Clinical and immunological aspects of the health status of the exposed population offspring “. In 1995, he was awarded the scientific degree of a Doctor of Sciences after he maintained his doctoral thesis "Immunological and Cytogenetic Effects of Chronic Radiation Exposure in Humans" in the field of radiobiology. In 2000, he was given the title of Professor of Radiobiology.

Professor Akleyev is the Head of the Chair of Radiation Biology of the Chelyabinsk State University. Under scientific supervision of professor A.V. Akleyev 6 doctoral and 33 candidate dissertations have been defended. Professor A.V. Akleyev authored 713 scientific papers, 43 monographs. He is the recipient of the Russian Federation Government Award in the field of science and engineering (2017).

Professor Akleyev was a member of Committee 1 of the International Commission on Radiological Protection from 1996 to 2008. He has been a member of the Russian Scientific Commission on Radiological Protection since 1997. Professor Akleyev has been the Head of the WHO Collaborating Center since 1995, and a WHO Expert in medical response to radiation emergency. He is an editorial board member of nine peer review journals.

Professor Akleyev has been a member of the delegation of the Russian Federation since 2008 and the Russian representative since 2014.