UNSCEAR 2016 Report


The UNSCEAR 2016 Report comprises the main text of the 2016 report to the General Assembly (A/71/46 and Corr.1) and four scientific annexes.

Report to the General Assembly with Scientific Annexes

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The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) assesses the levels and effects of exposure to ionizing radiation. UNSCEAR's scientific findings underpin radiation risk evaluation and international protection standards.

The scientific annexes provide the supporting scientific rationale for UNSCEAR's 2016 report to the General Assembly.

The annexes A and B provide the methodology for estimating public exposures due to radioactive discharges from electricity generation and compare the radiation exposure resulting from electricity generation including nuclear, coal, gas, oil, geothermal. solar and wind. The annexes C and D examine the biological effects of internal exposure to radiation resulting from selected internal emitters (tritium and uranium).

Sales No. E.17.IX.1, 
ISBN: 978-92-1-142316-7, 
e-ISBN: 978-92-1-060002-6

Purchase from UN Publications


Please see the Corrigendum for the Report of the General Assembly issued in October 2016
Please see the Corrigendum for Annex A issued in December 2020
Please see the Corrigendum for Annex B issued in August 2017
Please see the Corrigendum for Annex B issued in December 2020
Please see the Corrigendum for Annex D issued in May2018

Scientific Annexes

Annex B - Radiation exposures from electricity generation

Annex B compare the radiation exposure resulting from electricity generation including nuclear, coal, gas, oil, geothermal. solar and wind.

* Please see the Corrigendum for Annex B issued in August 2017
  Please see the Corrigendum for Annex B issued in December 2020

Annex C - Biological effects of selected internal emitters-Tritium

Annex C examines the biological effects of internal exposure to radiation resulting from selected internal emitters (Tritium)

Annex D - Biological effects of selected internal emitters-Uranium

Annex D examines the biological effects of internal exposure to radiation resulting from selected internal emitters (Uranium)