Hans Blix speaks at fiftieth anniversary ceremony of UNSCEAR

VIENNA, 31 May 2006 (UN Information Service) - At a reception on Tuesday night to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of UNSCEAR, Mr. Hans Blix, guest speaker, said that "Without the immense work of the Committee over the years, the necessary international harmonization on safety matters could not have been achieved." He went on to say that "this century will call for an UNSCEAR that remains independent, scientifically authoritative and increasingly ambitious to cope with growing challenges." He believed that UNSCEAR should also make itself and its work better known. "It is essential that UNSCEAR's conclusions be heard loud and clear", he said. "UNSCEAR has a great role to help move radiation from the world of mystique to the natural world and help it to become recognized as a normal and manageable part of our lives."

Read the full press release here:

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