Secretary General congratulates atomic radiation committee on 50th anniversary, SAYS CONTINUES TO HELP MAKE WORLD SAFER, HEALTHIER, MORE PEACEFUL

VIENNA, 31 May 2006 (UN Information Service) - In a message to a ceremony commemorating UNSCEAR's fiftieth anniversary, Secretary-General Kofi Anna noted that for half a century the Committee had been the trusted world authority on ionizing radiation. "From assessing the significance of fallout from nuclear-weapon tests in the 1950s, to studying the effects of radiation on the human genome today, UNSCEAR has always taken an independent and objective approach to its work", he said in the message, delivered by Antonio Costa, Director-General of the UN Office at Vienna. "On questions that are often highly emotional and political, UNSCEAR's reports are impartial, dispassionate and scientific, and have prompted significant worldwide reductions in radiation exposure."

Read the full press release here:

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